Advanced Facials

Dermaplane plus Chemical Peel $135 

First we use a tool to manually exfoliate your skin then we apply the chemical peel. Please note we WILL NOT treat a first time client.  We need to first know your skin and how it reacts.


Dermaplane plus Enzyme $135

First we Dermaplane as our mechanical exfoliation then we apply the appropriate enzyme for your desired effect.  Please note we WILL NOT treat a first time client.  We need to know your skin and how it reacts.

Microdermabrasion plus Enzyme $135

First we use our specialized crystal microdermabrasion machine.  Think of it as a type of sand blasting that is gentle enough for your face. Then we add the appropriate enzyme.  NOT for a first time client.  We need to know how your skin reacts.

Microdermabrasion plus Chemical Peel $135

First we use our specialized crystal microdermabrasion machine.  Think of it as a type of sand blasting that is gentle enough for your face.  The we add the appropriate chemical peel.  NOT for the first time client  We need to know how your skin reacts.

Swich Facial by Circadia $155 

HOW DOES SWICH™ WORK? Chemical peeling has been practiced by physicians and skin care professionals for decades, to rejuvenate damaged and aging skin. This method relies on the skin’s ability to repair itself after injury. Consistent damage to the epidermis, however, may lead to more serious side effects. SWiCH™ takes advantage of the skin’s natural repair mechanism, to help restore skin’s optimum appearance, without injury to the skin. SWiCH™ works to help the body generate its own cellular energy, safely replenishing healthy components of the skin without inflicting damage. This revolutionary treatment is refreshing and painless, and leaves the skin looking luminous and firmer with an even, balanced skin tone.

Oxygen RX Facial by Circadia $135 

Circadia Oxygen RX facials work by introducing a controlled amount of oxygen directly into the skin at an optimal level to profice maximum health benefits .  Circadia is only available through trained liscensed providers.